madman101 Nov 12, 2018 21:03
animals - bacteria, toxins - mould / mold, animals - insects, fungi/ yeast/ fungus among us
madman101 Aug 06, 2016 13:48
health - circadian rhythms / biorythms, plants - sunflowers, microb - epigenetics, plants - secret life of plants, health - alzheimers / dementia, islands - easter island, plants - genetics, psychology - altruism, prehistoric - mammoths / mastadons, death - life after death "idk", prehistoric - homo interbreeding, death - near-death experiences, health - sleep, continuity of life, animals - marine mammals, all * consciousness, animals - mammoths / mastadons, links - climate change/ global warming, health - obesity, health - lifespan/ aging/ longevity/ exp, links - nature, animals - whales, health - too thin, animals - seals, death - / dying / mortality, soul "idk", brain - and aging, regions/ continents - arctic/ antarctica, animals - empathy / compassion, health - cancer, environ - climate change/ global warming, plants - seeds / seed-saving, links - science, animals - bacteria, all * climate change, health - sleep /insomn/ lack of sleep, prehistoric - homo sapiens sapiens, fountain of youth, reproduction, catholic - imperial roman church, religion - christianity - errant, health - metabolism, lakes / seas - wedell sea, evolution, plants - intelligence, history - rome/ catholic church
madman101 May 07, 2015 00:39
music - musical trends, mathematics - predictive models, my predictions and prophesies, nuclear/ radiation, toxins - carbonic acid, animals - fish/ - star-fish, psychology - stress, extinction events / mass extinctions, all * denial, all * nuclear, food chains, economy - economic trends, states - california, s- 'on the beach' (series), countries - japan, geological - magnetic field/ pole shift, animals - whales, geological - booms and trumpets, fukushima related, psychology - denial - group, animals - sea lions, foundation for economic trends, environ - drought - megadroughts, all * climate change, environ - ocean pollution, environ - climate models/ predictions, environ - invasive species, geological - earth changes, animals - blue-green algae, animals - dolphins, environmentalists, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, politics - political trends/annalysis, animals - cyano-bacteria, countries - peru, environ - pollution - noise pollution, oceans - gulf of mexico, toxins - b - cyano-bacteria, animals - beachings, animals - marine mammals, animals - psychology, oceans - atlantic "cold blob", animals - prescience, links - climate change/ global warming, oceans - atlantic ocean, plants - algae, environ - ocean warming, all * trends / predictions, enviro-fundamentalism, species survivalism, environ - oceans (and see oceans), evolution - punctuated equilibrium, oceans - pacific "warm blob", koyaanisqatsi - (life out of balance), environ - algae blooms, regions - usa pacific northwest, geological - methane / in space, all * mob psychology, predictions and prophesies, environ - climate change/ global warming, art - trends in art, environ - drought - california, end of world, environ - species collapse, animals - bacteria, environ - ocean radioactive plume/s, entropy - and stress, oceans - pacific ocean, environ - ocean dead-zones, toxins - co2, fukushima disaster, environ - ocean acidification, oceans - sonic testing, environ - drought / heatwaves